A purpose filled and significant life is found in giving it away for the glory of God. Everything we have belongs to Him and we are stewards of what He has graciously entrusted to us.
We are truly grateful for your tithes and offerings and hope the convenience and simplicity of online giving will be helpful to you. You can use our secure portal to quickly and easily give online or learn more about managing your account.
If you prefer, you can still give
during one of our weekend
services by filling out an
envelope located at our
Guest Services center
and placing it in one of the offering containers.
Mailing Address:
8655 Cincinnati-Dayton Rd.
Give During a Service
Mobile Giving
give by mail
Getting control of your finances can seem like an impossible task, but with a few simple tools, you can get on the right track.
Interested in a financial small group?
Begin With A Budget:
Get started by gathering the financial paperwork needed to completely fill out a Budget Form. This includes items such as pay stubs, utility bills, loan payments, and personal expenses such as cell phones and entertainment.